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Reimagined Texture Pack 1.19.4 → 1.18.2

Reimagined adds animated blocks, immersive items, varied mobs, and unique textures.

  • Armor
  • Art
  • Audio
  • Blocks
  • Environment
  • Equipment
  • Font
  • GUI
  • Items
  • Misc
  • Mobs
  • Models
  • Mod Support
  • Particles
  • Terrain
Progress Overall
CreatedApr 30, 2021
UpdatedApr 1, 2023
  • 4.04 (27)

  • ❀️ 64
  • 485.4K

At a low 16x resolution, the Reimagined texture pack doesn’t seem like anything special at first glance. Dig a little deeper and you’ll see it is new, only about a few years old, and already a huge package of custom models and animations for Minecraft blocks and objects. The end goal is to give Minecraft the variety it desperately needs, with dozens or even hundreds of textures for mobs, blocks, and items. New animations for everything included that moves, like monsters, torches, liquids, and more, is also part of the plan. That’s a pretty tall order, but the work done so far is impressive, so Reimagined is worth investigating further.

The new animations for Reimagined aren’t just for items in the world, either. Carried buckets of water, lava, and milk already have new animations where the liquid sloshes or ripples in the bucket, and the lava occasionally throws off sparks. This is a huge case for quantity over quality, as none of the textures look as good as something from, say, a 512x HD resource pack. You get so much new and varied content, though, the game ends up looking much different anyhow. Since that’s the goal for most people using texture packs, Reimagined sticks out as a great option. If you’re like the author and you like the classic look of Minecraft but wish it wasn’t so bland, this pack might just be perfect for you.

Besides reworking existing content, Reimagined also patches up many small holes in Minecraft left over the years. One good example is how normally different objects made of the same material, diamonds, for instance, can have different color maps and palettes. They end up not looking the same, like they should. Reimagined fixes that nasty issue and manages to make Minecraft look more realistic in other small ways that may go unnoticed at first. The GUI wasn’t skipped either; Reimagined makes your recipe book look like the inside of an actual book, and sharpens some edges around windows and menus to make everything look better defined.


Let's take a look at what Reimagined Texture Pack has to offer.

  • 🌿
    Wilder Crops
    Adds more variety and randomness to crop growth for a more natural feel.
  • πŸ”₯
    Animated Torches
    Adds realistic flickering animation to torches for added immersion.
  • 🏭
    Animated Blocks
    Brings more life to Minecraft with dozens of animated blocks and items.
  • 🧱
    Connected Textures
    Seamlessly connects textures of similar blocks for a more cohesive look and feel.
  • πŸ—‘οΈ
    Immersive Items
    Retextures and redesigns various items to be more realistic and unique.
  • πŸ‚
    Visual Leaf Decay
    Leaves decay more realistically, visually and over time.
  • ⛏️
    Ore Variation
    Adds more variety and randomness to ore generation for a more interesting mining experience.
  • 🐾
    Mob Variations
    Hundreds of randomized mob and block variants for a more diverse and lively world.
  • 🎨
    More Unique Textures
    Retouched and updated textures for more visual consistency and detail.


Using our comparison tool, you can easily compare the Reimagined Texture Pack to Minecraft vanilla.

Reimagined 16x
Reimagined 16x





How To Install Reimagined Texture Pack


In order to take full advantage of Reimagined, it is highly recommended to pre-install the Optifine Mod.

  1. Download Reimagined Texture Pack

    Go to the download section and get the texture pack zip file.
    If multiple versions are available, pick the version you like or that your computer can handle it.

    Jump to Download Section

  2. Launch Minecraft

    Start the Minecraft launcher and make sure you have the Optifine or your preferred profile selected.

  3. In-game Resource Packs menu

    Go to Options > Resource Packs...

  4. Open resourcepacks folder

    Click on the "Open Pack Folder" button to open the folder where packs are stored, so you can add or remove resource packs as desired.


    To simplify the process, simply drag and drop the texture ZIP file directly into the Minecraft window, bypassing the next two steps.
  5. Install Reimagined Texture Pack

    Copy or move the downloaded texture zip file into the resourcepacks folder.

  6. Select Reimagined Texture Pack

    Choose the installed pack from the list of available resource packs in the left column.


    To activate the installed pack, click on the play button, and it will move from Available to Selected side, then press the "Done" button.

πŸ“₯ Reimagined Texture Pack β€” Download

Something You Should Know

  • Our links are only from the official developer, so you can be sure they are secure.
  • No modifications or edits are made to the files.
  • πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Reijvi is the creator of Reimagined Texture Pack

πŸ”„ Update Logs



  • Overhauled the log CTM and updated the log textures
  • Reimagined the tools, diamond, emerald, and boat/chest boat with new textures and animations
  • Custom bottom texture for the hopper block
  • Wave shader for the nether portal
  • Updated anvil and smithing GUI
  • Variants for planks


  • Offset frame in torch fire animation
  • Stone brick slab alignment issue with texture
  • Swords placed in invisible item frames inside blocks
  • Optifine colormap not working on 1.19.4
  • Background shader compatibility issue with 1.19.4
  • Chest model knob floating in front of chest in 1.19.4
  • Loading screen huge white border issue
  • Removed rotating item shader to fix removed item glint


  • Nametag now has a more prominent iron outline


  • Raw beef and steak item texture.

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