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Complementary Shaders 1.20, 1.19.4 → 1.18.2

Experience the ultimate balance of performance, gameplay, beauty, and compatibility.

Support GPUs
Performance ImpactLow
Presets ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Potato+6
Features Ray-Traced Reflections+45
CreatedMay 24, 2020
UpdatedJan 27, 2023
  • 3.96 (8.6K)

  • โค๏ธ 1871
  • 8.2M

Complementary Shaders is a good name for this subtle but powerful shader pack for Minecraft. These shaders are designed to upgrade your game world with new visual elements. A combination of new lighting, shadows, game fog, and performance tweaks puts you in a completely new Vanilla gaming experience.

Utilizing the many features of Vanilla Minecraft, the Complementary Shader Pack upgrades the game world with exciting new features. Night-time seems more spooky, with heavy fog rolling in. Luckily, the upgraded moonlight and glow will help guide your path as you venture on.

Enjoy new in-game experiences with upgraded biome atmospheres and lighting. Lava is more vivid than ever. The skies often change and have different appearances based on weather and season. There are bright and beautiful new atmosphere visuals to enjoy.

Apart from a visual overhaul of lighting elements and more, the developers have spent plenty of time optimizing the game on a variety of GPUs and gaming platforms. There are plenty of options to adjust within Optifine settings to perfect your machine’s performance.

These developers are also very active on the scene and are devoted to assisting you to overcome any errors or issues you face. They are actively updating the shader pack to assist with any in-game errors that may occur as the game continues to update.

Gamers need to keep in mind that to play and use the Complementary Shaders pack, you must have Optifine or an older version installed in order to load up the shaders properly. After installing Optifine, you will be able to use Complementary Shaders within your Minecraft world seamlessly. Also, this shader pack will work well on the Iris shader loader.

In conclusion, Complementary Shaders does a great job of influencing atmospheric changes in Minecraft while maintaining great performance levels on your PC. Minecraft can often be taxing on lower-end PCโ€™s, but with this shader pack, you are guaranteed to enjoy a new level of game performance.


Complementary is a Minecraft Java Edition shader pack based on CaptTatsu’s BSL Shaders.
Complementary compatible versions:
  • 1.20
  • 1.19.4
  • 1.19.3
  • 1.19.2
  • 1.19.1
  • 1.19
  • 1.18.2
  • 1.18.1
  • 1.18
  • 1.17.1
  • 1.17
  • 1.16.5
  • 1.16.4
  • 1.16.3
  • 1.16.2
  • 1.16.1
  • 1.16
  • 1.15.2
  • 1.15.1
  • 1.15
  • 1.14.4
  • 1.14.3
  • 1.14.2
  • 1.14.1
  • 1.14
  • 1.13.2
  • 1.13.1
  • 1.13
  • 1.12.2
  • 1.12.1
  • 1.12
  • 1.11.2
  • 1.11.1
  • 1.11
  • 1.10.2
  • 1.10.1
  • 1.10
  • 1.9.4
  • 1.9.3
  • 1.9.2
  • 1.9.1
  • 1.9
  • 1.8.9
  • 1.8.8
  • 1.8.7
  • 1.8.6
  • 1.8.5
  • 1.8.4
  • 1.8.3
  • 1.8.2
  • 1.8.1
  • 1.8
  • 1.7.10
  • 1.7.9
  • 1.7.8
  • 1.7.7
  • 1.7.6
  • 1.7.5
  • 1.7.4
  • 1.7.2
  • 1.7
  • 1.6.4
  • 1.6.2


Over 45 new features are available in Complementary Shaders to enhance your gaming experience.

๐Ÿ“Š Performance Impacts

  • None
    No performance decreases
  • Small
  • Medium
  • High
  • Extreme

There are 7 profiles pre-built into Complementary Shaders to adjust the level of intensity of these effects.





Vanilla / RTX-ish

High (Default)



SSAO Quality
Block Entity Shadows
Shader Clouds
Colored Shadows
Enable DOF / Distance Blur
Double Reflection Quality
Entity Shadows
Auto-Generated Normals
Light Shaft Quality
Noise Coated Textures
Projected Caustics
Water/Trans Reflections
Specular Reflections
Shader Sun/Moon
Shadow Distance
8 Chunks8 Chunks12 Chunks12 Chunks12 Chunks12 Chunks16 Chunks
Shadowmap Resolution
Low (1024)Low (1024)Medium (2048)Medium (2048)Medium (2048)Medium (2048)Medium (2048)
Real-Time Shadows
Specular Sky Ref.
Sun/Moon Path Rotation
Vanilla Sun/Moon/Overlay
Water Absorption
Water Refraction
Water/Trans Cloud Reflections
Water Type
Water Waves


Our comparison tool makes it easy to compare Complementary Shaders with Minecraft vanilla and other shader packs.

Vanilla Day
Vanilla Day
Vanilla Noon
Vanilla Noon
Vanilla Sunset
Vanilla Sunset
Vanilla Night
Vanilla Night
Vanilla Water
Vanilla Water
Vanilla Underwater
Vanilla Underwater
Vanilla Rain
Vanilla Rain
Vanilla Light
Vanilla Light
Vanilla The Nether
Vanilla The Nether
Complementary Shaders Day
Complementary Shaders
Complementary Shaders Noon
Complementary Shaders
Complementary Shaders Sunset
Complementary Shaders
Complementary Shaders Night
Complementary Shaders
Complementary Shaders Water
Complementary Shaders
Complementary Shaders Underwater
Complementary Shaders
Complementary Shaders Rain
Complementary Shaders
Complementary Shaders Light
Complementary Shaders
Complementary Shaders The Nether
Complementary Shaders





How To Install Complementary Shaders

Supported Optifine Recommend โ€ข 1.19.1โ€”1.8.8
  • Support Forge / Vanilla
  • Extra features
  • Good performance
Supported Iris Recommend โ€ข 1.19.1โ€”1.16.2
  • Support Fabric / Quilt
  • Better performance, depend on your hardware
Optifine Installation Guide


Your device must have Java installed to run the Forge and Optifine installers.

Quick Java Installation Guide
  1. Download Java

    Download the Java installer from the official website here.

  2. Open Installer

    Once you have downloaded the file, run it and click the Install button.

How to install Complementary Shaders with Optifine?

  1. Download Optifine

    Get the latest version of Optifine for your Minecraft version.
    Download Optifine

  2. Install Optifine

    Run the Optifine installer and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

  3. Download Complementary Shaders

    Go to the download section and get shaders zip file. Unzip the file if necessary, as some shader developers may bundle multiple shader versions in one zip file.

    Jump to Download Section

  4. Launch Minecraft

    Start the Minecraft launcher and make sure you have the Optifine profile selected.

  5. In-game Shaders menu

    Go to Options > Video Settings > Shaders to access the shaders menu.

  6. Open shaderpacks folder

    Click on the "Shaders Folder" button to open the folder where shaders are stored, so you can add or remove shaders as desired.

  7. Install Complementary Shaders

    Copy or move the downloaded Complementary shaders zip file into the shaderpacks folder.

  8. Select Complementary Shaders

    Choose Complementary shader pack from the list of available shaders in the options menu.

How to install Complementary Shaders with Forge and Optifine?

Quick Installation Guide
  1. Install Forge

    Obtain the latest version of Forge that is compatible with your Minecraft version.
    Download Minecraft Forge

  2. Launch Minecraft

    Start the Minecraft launcher and select the version of Minecraft you want to install Forge on. Run the game once by clicking on the "Play" button to create necessary files for Forge.

  3. Install Forge Client

    Double-click on the Forge installer jar file and choose "Install Client" in the window that appears.

  4. Install Optifine

    Download the Optifine jar file after Forge is installed. Move the Optifine jar file to the mods folder in the .minecraft directory.
    Download Optifine

  5. Launch Forge Profile

    Launch Minecraft using the "Forge" profile, Optifine will be automatically loaded along with Forge.

  6. Install Chocapic13's Shaders

    Now the installation is the same as from the above Optifine instructions, just follow the steps starting from step 5.

Iris Installation Guide


Your device must have Java installed to run the Iris installer.

Quick Java Installation Guide
  1. Download Java

    Download the Java installer from the official website here.

  2. Open Installer

    Once you have downloaded the file, run it and click the Install button.

How to install Complementary Shaders with Iris?

  1. Download Iris Shaders

    Find the latest version of the Iris Shaders installer and download it.
    Download Iris Installer

  2. Install Iris Shaders

    Open the downloaded jar file, and choose the preferred game version and installation type.

    โฏˆ Iris Install:
    If you don't plan on using any other mods with Iris, choose this option.

    โฏˆ Fabric Install:
    Choose this option if you want to use Iris with Fabric and other mods. The Iris jar files will be copied to the mods folder within the .minecraft directory.

  3. Start Installation

    After selecting the game version and installation type, click the "Install" button to start the installation process.

  4. Launch Minecraft

    Start the Minecraft launcher and make sure you have the Iris profile selected.


    Select the Fabric profile if you opt for the Fabric installation type.
  5. In-game Shader Menu

    Open the Minecraft game and go to Options > Video Settings > Shader Packs to access the shaders menu.


    To simplify the process, simply drag and drop the shader ZIP file directly into the Minecraft window, bypassing the next two steps.
  6. Open shaderpacks folder

    Click on the "Open Shader Pack Folder" button to access the folder where shaders are stored.

  7. Install Complementary Shaders

    Copy or move the shaders zip file into the shaderpacks folder.

  8. Select Complementary Shaders

    Choose installed shader pack from the list of available shaders in the options menu and click the "Apply" or "Done" button to select it.


    When the shader pack is selected, its name will be changed to yellow.


  • Minecraft 1.7.10 or above, the latest version, is highly recommended.
  • The latest version of Optifine or Iris.
  • A discrete GPU.

๐Ÿ“ฅ Complementary Shaders โ€” Download

Something You Should Know

  • Our links are only from the official developer, so you can be sure they are secure.
  • No modifications or edits are made to the files.
  • ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ’ป EminGTR is the creator of Complementary Shaders

๐Ÿ”„ Update Logs



  • Fixed crash on Optifine 1.19.3


  • Improved Parallax Occlusion Mapping with Slope Normals.
  • Improved foliage and leaf shading when shadows are disabled.


  • Added an option to disable cloud and aurora reflections on the water. Disabled on Potato Profile


  • Tweaked watercolor and reflection intensity when sky or terrain reflections are disabled.
  • Tweaked non-real-time shadows to appear smoother.
  • Tweaked TAA to prevent some smudges and slightly reduce flickering.
  • Tweaked Froglight colors (IntegratedPBR).


  • Fixed visual artifacts on AMD’s RX 7000 series GPUs.
  • Fixed Parallax Occlusion Mapping being broken with high-resolution PBR resource packs on Iris.
  • Fixed some particles no longer being visible behind translucent on newer Iris versions.
  • Fixed enabling Snow Mode, causing the visuals to break in some situations.
  • Fixed Rain Puddles making foliage look incorrect when Real-Time Shadows are disabled.
  • Fixed sun/moonlight and reflections appearing on incorrect texels with some normal maps.
  • Fixed Rain Puddles appearing on top of Cauldron Water when Rain Puddle Biome Check is disabled.


  • The “Potato” Profile now uses the RTX-ish Water Type to look better with no waves.
  • Disabled Lens Flare when the camera is underwater.
  • Force-disabled Scene Aware Colored Lighting on Mc versions below 1.16.5 to prevent broken lighting.
  • Updated license.

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