Dvv16's Shaders 1.16.5 → 1.15.2
One of the first things you’ll notice about Dvv16’s Shaders is the abundance of purples, pinks, and deep, dark blues in the environment around the world. The sky, especially early...
Depth of field (DoF) is a popular visual effect that can be added to Minecraft using a shader. The depth of field effect mimics how a camera lens works, making objects closer to the camera appear sharp and in focus, while objects farther away appear out of focus and blurry.
Here's an example of how this feature will work in-game but can vary from shader to shader.
One of the first things you’ll notice about Dvv16’s Shaders is the abundance of purples, pinks, and deep, dark blues in the environment around the world. The sky, especially early...